5 Questions to Help You Create Content Your Audience Will Love

Create Content Your Audience Will Love

It seems like a lot of advice around what to share with your customers or audience is surrounding the person generating it. Things about sharing what you’re working on, all about your personal life or things you love, and the list goes on. I’m definitely not saying those things are wrong to share about, but I think sometimes those things are not the most direct way to show your audience that you are the person they want to work with or buy from. Let’s make some content that turns readers and listeners into buyers and brand loyalists, shall we!?

Here are five questions to consider when creating content for your current and potential customers.

What does my audience need to know to want to buy my product or service?

This could have a wide range or answers, but there is no wrong way to think about it! If you are a wedding photographer, what would your audience need to know from you to buy your service? Some obvious ones might be your location and pricing. Less obvious might be the type of photographer you are. Are you laid back, and help a couple stay relaxed on their wedding day? Are you highly organized, and can make a couple feel at ease that you’ve got everything under control? 

How can you show your audience these unique things about you, without just coming out and saying it? Tell a story that shows an aspect of your business or personality, or have an engaging visual and include in your caption something like ‘DM for availability or pricing!’

One way to make sure you continue to create content that your audience desires is to keep a running list of the questions that people are reaching out to you with. Use these questions to create posts, blogs and stories that help attract the kind of people you want to work with.

How can I show my audience that I care about what they care about?

Do you know what your audience cares about? Do they want to save time, or money? Do they love technology, and using new software? Try to get in the mind of your customers, and show them that you care about the things they also care about.

This could be done in so many different ways. One example might be to share a photo of your family or friends and why you reserve time for them, or why you work hard to have enjoyable experiences you care about. So much of our human experience is shared! Show your customers that there is a human just like them behind your business. 

What would make my audience have a better day today?

We all have bad days! How can you brighten the day for your customer? Something funny, something beautiful, something light… How can you make your audience's day more enjoyable? Have you stopped to consider what your audience might really love?

This could involve some experimentation on your part! In your content be sure to include a way that your audience can share with you. Invite them to direct message you, email you, comment on your post… the sky's the limit! Just be sure that you offer a way for your audience to tell you what they are loving. 

What would my audience love to learn about?
We all have multiple things we like to learn about. What would your ideal customer love to learn about? This doesn’t need to be directly related to your business. Think of what lies on the ‘edge’ of your business. If someone would be utilizing your service, what other information would they find useful? Get creative about how you can present this information. You could create a video or infographic, or just post a photo and put the information in the caption.

What experience have I had recently that my audience would relate to?
As I said earlier, so much of the human experience is shared. What is something that happened to you recently that would resonate with your audience? Maybe it was something that happened while you were working late, or doing mundane household tasks. Tell a story that ties an everyday moment back to the heart of what you are selling. 

I hope these questions help you create some absolutely amazing content. Share your posts, videos, and blogs with me that were inspired from these posts. I can’t wait to check them out!

Always cheering you on!


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