5 Ways to Fight Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome is defined as “the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills.” No matter who you are or what career or job you have it has to have crept up into your thoughts at some point. The nagging, “Am I actually qualified for this?” and the feeling that you just don’t think you can pull it off.
You’re not alone! You just simply are not alone. I want to share with you five ways that you can try to kick those feelings of ‘not enough’ to the curb and replace them with bold confidence.
Come back down to planet FACTS
Oftentimes as you face the feelings of imposter syndrome you end up swirling with a whole bunch of assumptions. Bring yourself back to some facts. I find writing them down is especially helpful.
If you’re in a job you don’t feel qualified for, write down the facts of your current position. “My boss thinks I am the right person for the job. No one told me I am not qualified for this.” If you’re starting a side biz and you’re feeling like a fake because Jenny on the internet has 10,000 followers and seems like she knows way more than you, take yourself back to facts. “I am just getting started. Everyone was a beginner at some point. I could really help someone with the things I am hoping to offer.”
Tell someone how you’re feeling
So often we tell ourselves that we are alone… and then we MAKE ourselves alone by sharing with no one how we feel. Tell someone you trust that you feel like a fake. Lay it all out there and give them the opportunity to speak truth to you. It doesn’t have to be in person! Send a text, an email, a message on instagram - anything. You might be surprised with how much encouragement you get.
Education is key
Knowledge is power. If you’re feeling like you are under qualified for something it’s time to learn. Pep talks and high fives can get you in the right direction, but I think sometimes the feeling of ‘imposter syndrome’ can be a light pointing us in the direction of seeking knowledge.
You MIGHT be under qualified for your position - but nothing is permanent! You can gain the insights and expertise at any point. Google that stuff. Read a book. Find someone on Linkedin in a similar position and ask if they would be willing to meet for coffee. The world is actually full of some really nice people.
You might just need a nap. Or a snack. Or a walk.
I’m not going to lie… 90% of my problems can be solved with one of the above. If you’ve been staring at your computer screen for an hour too long feeling like a failure it might be time to change your circumstances. As I’m writing this I’m thinking that this is actually my life motto. My ‘Live Laugh Love’ is truly “Nap Snack Walk.”
Reflect on the past
I know, I know… “leave the past in the past,” or maybe not! Take a moment to think of how far you’ve come. I guarantee you are less of an ‘imposter’ today than you were a year ago.
Keep on going. I’m cheering for you! No imposters allowed here. :)