How to Move the Needle in Your Small Business
It doesn’t take much time scrolling on social media to see things talking about gaining more social media followers, or growing your email list, or booking more calls to gain sales. It can all be a bit… MUCH.
Before you know if you’re trying to create 2 blog posts a week, post on instagram everyday, figure out what email software to use, and the list goes on. It can add stress to your life and your business when you’re trying to do a little bit of everything… but to what end?! Have you stopped to consider what really moves the needle in your business?
Maybe you want to make $10,000 more dollars this year so you can take your family on vacation or do some updates to your home. Maybe you really just want to figure our how you can work five less hours in your week to spend more time with your family. Whatever the reason for change, if you are able to determine what makes a difference in your business you can spend more time doing things that matter, and less time stressing about likes and followers.
Take the time to figure out and consider what will get you results in your business, and do those things on repeat.
Here are some ways to discover what really moves the needle in your business, and do more of what you love and less of what you hate :
Track where your business is coming from. When working with specific people in your business, do you know where these people are coming from? Is it through word of mouth, stumbling across your website, or your social media pages? There are lots of ways that this tracking can be made easier. Make a simple sheet in excel or google docs that you fill out whenever you get a new customer. Make a habit of asking via email or text how they heard about you. You could also make an intake form for new clients where they can easily check a box that shows where they heard about you. Here are some common ones to include:
Google Search
Word of Mouth
Referral (make a spot for them to put a name so you can personally thank that person!)
Social Media Platforms
Make a love/hate list. Write out the things you love spending time doing when it comes to your business and the things you hate. This is a good exercise for many reasons. Come back to yourself, remember the things you love, and give some space to express things you don’t love as much. Consider writing your top 3 and your bottom 3. How can you make more time for those things you love? Is there any way you can do less of the things you really dislike? Could you outsource them or just eliminate them all together? You might realize that a lot of the things you don’t like aren’t even necessary for you to have a successful business!
Ask people you work with or who engage in your business what they love about you and what you’ve created. Sometimes it can be hard to recognize the things within us that make us special or unique in the market, and a great way to be reminded of that is to find out how other people see you! Focus on your strengths to drive results. If your customers say that you are positive and always brighten their day, use that in your marketing and continue to learn new ways to express that to your customers. The ways that we can hone and grow our strengths are endless!
Think through the items that make a difference in your biz and schedule time to do more of them. Are you hoping to create a course or offer that you can sell to your clients? Prioritize time for that on your calendar before you schedule anything else. It can be easy to think that we need to keep doing everything at the same speed, but sometimes it is beneficial to put the brakes on in one area, and the gas in another.
I’m always cheering you on!
To move the needle in your business:
track where your business is coming from (social media, word of mouth, etc.)
make a love/hate list where you draw attention to things you love and hate that you do in your business
ask your clients why they love you and focus on your strengths
think through what will push your business closer to your goals and schedule those items before you schedule anything else