How To Show Up Online With Authenticity
It’s a truth of running a small business today – you’ve got to show up online! Whether it’s on a webinar, instagram story, or a written blog on your website, sometimes it can feel difficult to just be the person or brand you’ve set out to be. Let’s talk about some ways to make it easier. I’ll be preaching to myself here, too!
Know yourself and your brand
Imagine going to a job interview but you didn’t know what job you were interviewing for. The interview starts off with that common question, “So why are you interested in this role?” How could you answer that if you don’t know what role you’re interviewing for!? The same is true of showing up online. How could you possibly show up authentically, with your whole amazing self, if you don’t know who you are or what you’re doing?
Getting really clear on your values, your why, and your mission behind your business has more benefits than just a sentence to slap on your ‘about’ page. It helps you continue to speak to your customers in a way that only YOU can provide. There are many ways that you can get more familiar with who you are and what your brand is to the world, but a good place to start might just be to get quiet for a while in a place you enjoy, and write, write, write about what makes your brand unique. What is the special sauce that you bring into the market? How do you want to make people feel when they work with you or buy what you offer? What have your friends told you they love about you?
Know the unique and specific value that you provide to others
Work on getting specific to what you provide to your customers. Show up with the real you, in the real way you would show up when you were hired by someone.
If you’re a wedding planner and you’re really good at focusing on the details, provide examples of how you have done so before. If you’re a photographer who loves to shoot weddings more than anything else, describe your favorite parts of someone’s special day.
Consider why your customer would hire you over the competition. Focus on your strengths whenever you can! Your ideal customer will love you for all the things that you’re good at.
Ask yourself why you want to share something
Before showing up online, ask yourself the why behind what you are sharing. I personally find it really helpful to put what I’m sharing into a kind of category. Am I trying to educate someone? Am I trying to empower them to take action? Do I want to engage with my potential customers? Do I want to just share something for fun and to spread joy?
Putting what you’re sharing into a category will likely help you expound upon the subject, and help with that ‘am I speaking into the darkness?’ feeling. Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels that way!
Be ‘others’ focused - not me focused
Focus less on yourself, and more on who you want to reach. Instead of thinking about what you will share and how you will share it, focus more on who you will help and how you will help them. From this place often flows more creativity and authenticity than drowning in a sea of ME.
If you want to engage with your audience, think… What would bring my customer joy today?
If you want to educate your customer, think… What could I teach them that would be helpful?
If you want to empower others, think… What does my customer need to hear today to take action?
Spend more time thinking about the people that WILL enjoy you, than the people you think won’t
Whenever I consider sharing online I have these flashes of people go through my head. These made up people are laughing at me and telling me what I shared is silly. I would be embarrassed to share with you the amount of writings, graphics, and content that I drafted and almost shared. The main reason I didn’t is fear of how people would judge it. Please, don’t be like me!
If I could go back in time I would tell myself for everyone one person that might think what you have to say is stupid, or silly, or unhelpful, there is at least one more that could be encouraged and empowered by your words. Do it for that one person!
On the other side of your fear might literally be the one thing you’ve been dreaming of.
When in doubt, tell a story
We all love a good story, don’t we?
Okay, pick 1 or 2:
My name is Eliza and I am a coach for small businesses
Trust me when I say that there is nothing else I would rather do than sit down with you and hear all about you and your small business. Together we can take what might feel overwhelming, disorganized, and lack-luster, and make something truly beautiful. I’m ready when you are.
Option 1 is very clear and direct, but option 2 draws you in and paints a better picture. Both have their place, but often when showing up online telling a story will allow your reader, listener, or viewer to learn more about you. Naturally you will share more about who you are and who your business is all while having a little more fun with it.
So where will you show up authentically today? I’m cheering you on!